Kennelling vs. Dog Minding: The Pros and Cons |Dog Minding Adelaide

When planning your pet’s accommodation when you travel or deal with emergencies you either see ads for kennels or for dog minding. Adelaide has enough of both services to choose from but it ultimately boils down to one thing: your pooch’s well-being.

There’s much to be discussed when it comes to which option is best for dogs. If you’re unsure about what to expect with either one, a comparative look at these choices will help you make an informed decision.



There’s a big difference between a kennel and dog minding service when it comes to housing arrangements.

Good kennels provide a fantastic, safe service but they do offer an environment that is different to what most dogs are used to.

Kennels typically have a separate building or space where animals are kept. They are usually manned by caretakers and designed for multiple animals at a time. The good kennels have rows of enclosures that are kept clean and hygienic at all times. The enclosures in the good kennels are temperature-regulated between 15 and 27 degrees Celsius and fitted with vents to circulate air properly.

Considering the set-up of kennelling services, the possibility of overstimulating your dog is quite possible. Environments with multiple animals who are unfamiliar with each other’s smells, looks, and voices can be overwhelming and can sometimes trigger stress. This can cause lack of appetite and depression in some dogs.

There are usually areas for canine socialisation in kennels and playtime of a number of dogs should always be supervised. It’s not, however, recommended for canines with health issues, old age or anxiety issues. There are also kennels designed to keep the dogs purely indoors. These may or may not have provisions for outdoor exercises, so it’s important to check beforehand.

Dog minding, on the other hand, takes place in an actual house. The minder’s home is set up to give your pet an environment as similar to their usual daily lives as possible.

And that means no enclosures. If you use a professional service your dog will be matched with a minder who has been pre-screened by the company. Depending on your pup’s needs and your location, you’ll be referred to a minder who can accommodate your pet in a manner it is used to.

The best home-based dog minding in Adelaide would readily take in a pet and adjust their house according to the needs and quirks of their guest. This is especially advantageous for those with blind pooches, old-timers and even anxious pups who need a quiet space or retreat.


Convenience and Communication

Travelling (and preparing for it) can be a taxing affair for anyone. Not all trips have ideal schedules and, in cases of emergency, there’s almost zero time to plan ahead.

When you need to have your pet checked in, kennels usually have a specific hour for dropping them off or requesting for a pick-up. There are also days when there are no check-ins, so scheduling your dog’s stay should ideally be within their operating hours. That limits your options when you unexpectedly need to find care for your pooch or when you want to be apart from your furbaby for as little time as possible.

With dog minding, working around your travel schedule is so much easier. You can negotiate a drop-off day and time with your minder that is more likely to fit in with your needs. And with the minder’s house nearby, there’s less travel time for your dog and less stress.

Because the service is home-based, minders are more open to communicating with owners after hours. A good dog minder in Adelaide will be happy to communicate after hours making it easier to find a time that suits both parties.

With kennels, updates and other communications will usually be during business hours and may not be as open to requests for special arrangements such as skyping or video calls, compared to dog minders.


Human-Animal Care Ratio

The setup of kennelling and dog minding varies greatly in terms of how much focus the caretaker can give to your pet.

Kennels are built to accommodate a larger number of animals. Some even have multiple species in their facility (cats, birds, reptiles, etc.). There are strict schedules for such places, including the cleaning, feeding, disinfecting and, at times, even potty time. And while they make sure that all your pet’s needs are covered throughout the day, their routine can seriously mess up your own fur baby’s usual daily habits.

Professional dog minding services limit their dog minders to one client at a time, especially if you request it, so your pooch gets one on one care at all times. Because they’re not handling multiple animals, they can work with your pup’s usual daily schedule according to how he or she does things at home.

Dog minders can easily integrate special arrangements for pets since they usually have a 1:1 or even 2:1 human to canine care ratio. This means their undivided attention is on your four-legged buddy and that helps immensely if they need the extra TLC.


Behavioural Effects and Health Impact

Spending time away from their home and their human can upset even well-socialised dogs. Their experience with the kennels or dog minders while you’re away can have immediate and even long-term effects on their bodies and psyche.

Even if kennels put up their best measures to counter pet stress during their stay (curtains or walls to keep dogs from seeing each other, proper air vents, playtime), it can have negative consequences for your pooch. Overstimulation can put them on edge. The lack of human contact can also cause anxiety and confusion for some dogs.

Having a home setting while dealing with the stress of not having his human around is essential to any dog. Minders give a more personalised brand of care for dogs who need to have a safe and enriching environment where they can relax and be the family members that they always have been.

The integration of their own daily activities ensure a seamless transition from their home to their home-away-from-home..

Your furbaby’s welfare should always be the top priority for any pet accommodation service. If you encounter any neglect or abuse from anyone in the industry, do not hesitate to report it to the RSPCA at (+61 8) 8231 6931.


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